1. Report -

    Read our latest quarterly Signposting and Feedback Insight Report, this report provides an overview of the key themes highlighted from community feedback and signposting enquiries we received from 1st July - 30th September 2022.
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    Help Healthwatch Southwark understand how to improve healthcare access for adults with learning disabilities and autistic adults.
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    We are hosting a series of pop ups as part of our listening tour whereby the general public can share their experiences in health and social care settings and know that we will do right by them to share this information with decision-makers.

  4. Report -

    Read our latest research report exploring the experiences of adults with learning disabilities and autistic adults when accessing healthcare services in Southwark.
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    The Healthwatch Southwark Soundboard Listening Tour may be over, but we are still listening!
  6. Advice and Information -

    cliniQ is a Community Interest Company, with a trans-led team, who offer a safe, confidential space for those who may not feel comfortable accessing mainstream services.
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    Over the summer of 2016, we engaged with 105 young people aged 13-25, via workshops and surveys, to find out about their experiences of sexual health education and information, access to services, and where they prefer to go for support.
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    Find out how to access all different types of sexual health care in Southwark.
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    Do you want better sexual health care? Do you want to make any changes to the way services are run? This is a once in 5-year chance to influence how services could improve to better suit you.
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    A new survey, carried out by YouGov for The Eve Appeal, found that women are five times more likely to feel not listened to when seeking medical help for their reproductive health.
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    Only 2% of the population know all five of the gynaecological cancers. We need to Get Lippy to break down the tabboos around gynae health and save lives!
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    This week is both Cervical Screening Awareness Week and Learning Disability Week.