Have you had a baby in the past 2 years? Have you struggled with your weight?

A team at Queen's University Belfast wants to help new mums maintain a healthy weight by using text messages.
Mother holding baby hand

Have you had a baby in the past 2 years? Have you struggled with your weight?

Queen's University Belfast need your help!

The team wants to help new mums maintain a healthy weight by using text messages.

They now need input from you to help review and edit the messages so they are relevant to all women across the UK.


You could contribute by:

  • attending an online group call 
  • sharing your thoughts on some of the messages: whether they make sense, if the language used is ok – and, if not…
  • give suggestions on how we could make them more relevant to you


They would particularly welcome feedback from black and minority ethnic backgrounds. Your time will be reimbursed.


Want to know more?

Text/phone Eleni: 07908973438             

Email: supportingmums@qub.ac.uk