Healthwatch Southwark's Social Prescribing Survey (This survey is now CLOSED)

We want to hear from people who have been given advice by their GP, or another health or care worker, to join in community activities.

Social Prescribing Survey

We'd also like to hear from people with health conditions/disabilities who have not received this kind of help.

We want to learn more about how this is going in Southwark and you can help us by completing this survey.

Have a look on the Community Southwark website, to find out more on Social Prescribing and how you can get involved in shaping the way it's delivered in Southwark. Click here. 

What is Social Prescribing?

The term 'social prescribing' refers to an arrangement where health professionals link up patients to activities and support in the community that may benefit them – a non-medical prescription.

It can be particularly effective in helping individuals to manage long-term conditions, mental health problems and social isolation.

Activities that make up a social prescribing service are extremely varied and can be tailored to meet the needs of a particular community, demographic or patient group. For example, they can include support groups, exercise classes, advice services, cookery and outdoor activities.