Support for residents with Alzheimer and their carers.

Alzheimer's Society provides services for residents suffering from Alzheimer and forms of dementia and their carers.
Alzhimer's Society written in blue on white backgrund

Dementia Support Workers and Dementia Advisors work with people living with dementia and their carers, friends, and neighbours; to provide support, information, and guidance to help to maintain a person’s independence; improve their sense of well-being; increase the level of control they have over their lives; assist them to identify their needs and access to services.

To do this the Society will make referrals for - benefit assessments; health providers to address identified needs; befriending, to reduce social isolation and loneliness; assistive technology to help maintain independence; care needs and/or carers assessments through social services, including respite; discuss the benefits of and provide information on Lasting power of attorney, finance & health/welfare.  Then refer to their digital assistance service.  Also, provide information on advanced care planning as well as Will creation; provide information on social groups in the local area; signpost clients to statutory and non-statutory sources of support.

They support people by phone, email, letter, or face to face at the client’s home or other appropriate location. Please feel free to talk about matters not covered in this list, the team will do their best to help. 

Call us on 020 7735 5850 (Tue-Fri) or email