1. Blog -

    Healthwatch Southwark & Healthwatch Lambeth, along with partners from health and social care across both boroughs, ran an event "A Healthy Future in Southwark & Lambeth" on the 20th March.

  2. News -

    - This consultation is now closed -
  3. News -

    Community Southwark, Healthwatch Southwark and Southwark Council hosted the Southwark Faith and Health Summit 2019, which launched their report and present findings from Health Challenges run by faith leaders in their communities.
  4. Report -

    We worked with Southwark Council’s engagement team to visit a Bengali Women’s Group at the Rockingham Community Centre, to explore engagement opportunities to understand the issues this community faces when accessing health and social care services
  5. Report -

    The session was conducted in Spanish, led by Latin American Women’s Rights Service (LAWRS) with staff support from Coalition of Latin Americans in the UK (CLAUK) and Healthwatch Southwark.
  6. Report -

    This report reflects a solid year of work for the Healthwatch staff team and the support of the volunteers and members.
  7. Report -

    Approximately 50 including residents, representatives from voluntary and community organisations and statutory services attended our event to gain insight into health and social care commissioning and integration in Southwark
  8. Report -

    We held a public event to inform Supporters & Stakeholders about Adult Social Care within Southwark Council and gain feedback on the real-life case studies.